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“We think it is essential to share our internal knowledge and make it available to new professions. Our Academies focus on acquiring core skills and researching and enhancing our candidates’ skills. We are working on both fronts, confident that our new employees will know how to join with determination and professionalism.”

ACADEMY is searching for, selecting and training young graduates in STEM subjects.
Our candidates are supported in their job placement through orientation, training and practical support.
Each Academy aims to transfer knowledge and skills in a technology or several technical and functional innovation areas.
It is not simply classroom training (remote or face-to-face), but a sharing and teamwork experience to achieve a fundamental goal: to become an S2E IT specialist.
Our senior colleagues designed our academies, aimed at recent graduates or STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) undergraduates, according to S2E’s internal requirements or our customers’ needs. The S2E team will monitor each participant’s level, and quality of learning throughout training by testing the techniques learned and with individual motivational interviews.

An established and proven track record in organising and training workshops, with a success rate of more than 80 per cent.
Adequate and quality preparation for technical content and the critical skills required to enter the IT world.
Constant mentoring during training and onboarding.
We strongly believe in developing individual skills for new graduates.
For this reason, we work together with candidates to exercise skills through expressive techniques and simulations. A value to build today and future professionalism.
BUSINESS ANALYST – This course provides participants with the fundamental techniques for dealing with application analysis in software development projects, with an in-depth look at the banking system and business analysis intervention areas
JAVA, WEB SERVICES AND PLSQL DEVELOPMENT – This course provides the concepts needed to carry out the delicate task of developing new web applications in the data management field, using the JAVA, Talend and PLSQL languages and WEB SERVICES
RPA – Topics covered include RPA programming with UiPath, functional analysis, infrastructure, agile working methods and real-life cases.
Participation in the official UI-PATH course is guaranteed . At its conclusion it will be possible to take the exam to obtain the RPA Developer Advanced certification.
CYBERSECURITY – The programme teaches the fundamental principles of operations in a Security Operation Centre (SOC), the management and correlation of events, detection of security incidents and their management through an appropriate response
DATA ENGINEER – The course is structured around three main themes: Data processing elements and data analysis architectures; BigData architectures fundamentals, particularly Hadoop architecture (HDFS, Hive, Inpala, Spark); Elastic platform through participation in the official course.
AWS CLOUD ENGINEER – This software provides the fundamentals necessary for developing and maintaining AWS cloud storage and computing networks. Topics discussed include structures and cloud services, Cloud Legal and Security, Virtualization; Networks; Containers; Dockers; AWS; Infrastructure as Code.