Providing QUALITY to a project, an idea, or a company is our goal.
The definition of “Quality” is, in fact, creating a structure around existing or new processes that is efficient, reliable and flexible, as well as providing all the tools necessary to have a clear view and control of these processes through our technical, functional and managerial skills.
S2E believes in the Quality Assurance Service (QAS) model, which offers the customer the convenience of one point of contact to respond to every need while reducing management complexity.
Quality Assurance Service (QAS) vs Time & Material
QAS differs from a Time and Material Cost MSA in that the cost of the resources is actually charged only when the Service is fully operational, from there the cost is fixed.
Time & Material: The cost varies according to the complexity of the requests and the project and
depending on the issue to be resolved.
QAS: Team, collaborate with each other and with the leads in real-time, working for Tasks using collaboration tools.
Time & Material: Individuals are responsible for processing and achieving the objectives, so they can encounter critical problems that they should overcome on their own.
QAS: The composition of the team on the service allows technical and functional skills to be distributed among different people and new knowledge to spread very quickly.
Time & Material: Individuals must be selected based on their skills (often clearly divided between technical and functional) and the diffusion of new knowledge impacts the cost.
QAS: Peak periods can be absorbed by changing the internal configuration of the team, invisibly to the customer.
Time & Material: During peak periods, ad hoc insertions and trainings of new people are necessary for their absorption.
QAS: Tasks are redistributed fluidly among the team members in the event of any contingencies or absences of resources.
Time & Material: Vacation plans require special attention, illness/unforeseen exits can put the project in crisis or significantly slow it down.
The purpose of this team is to respond to the Quality needs of the customer by combining technical, functional, and managerial figures with varying qualifications and certifications:
He coordinates efforts by facilitating internal and external collaboration, monitoring performance, coordinating team activities and exposing work plans, interacting with clients’ project managers and responding to design needs in accordance with company standards:
The Technical Lead plans the tests strategy, uses tools for performance tests or automatic tests, and verifies the results produced by each figure in charge.
Lead Analyst He is the owner of the Functional tests, verifies the material produced, from the collection of functional analyzes to the creation of testbooks and final reports
Engineers For Engineers we consider both the technical and functional testers who work within the Team, collaborate with each other and with the leads in real-time, working for Tasks using collaboration tools.
To date, our Quality Team has delivered excellent results and great customer satisfaction to large and consolidated insurance companies in the Italian market: As part of our quality assurance team, we offer a comprehensive range of testing services, including manual testing, functional testing, stress testing, and performance testing. Additionally, we use the latest technologies (RPA Automation with UiPath) to develop automatic test batteries that quickly identify regressions.
- Integration Test
- Performance Test
- System Test
- User Acceptance Test
- No Regression Test
- Automatic Test
..but Quality is not only testing: together with all the testing methods offered by us, we combine an effective reporting method of existing problems, the status of the works and their progress generated both manually and automatically, the construction of Knowledge Base shared with the customer for archiving and consolidating the KnowHow and an attention to communication at a technical, functional and managerial level that has allowed us to assist customers in critical short and long-term design decisions.

Team Certifications