People in S2E
We deal with Talent Acquisition, Onboarding and Induction, Performance Assessment, Training and Development.
We define strategies to attract the best talent on the market and guarantee the induction process quality and their professional development in the company.
People works with all company departments in employee management activities, including performance assessment, definition of career plans and individual and team training.
«S2E promotes mutual and continuous growth to all Stakeholders.
We preserve and elevate the values that guide every action since the beginning: spontaneous transparency, sharing objectives and respect, which create a pleasant and honest working environment, where every employee can express their skills, having fun.
We believe, invest in and develop our areas of excellence with the awareness of future needs for change.
Curious and passionate, we constantly search for the best technologies in the world, and together with the knowledge and mutual trust of our partners, we achieve our business driver – innovation.
Technologies are not neutral, so our commitment is to shape them within a dedicated, high-quality service that, together with careful investment planning, guides our customers towards a successful strategy.”
We support diversity, meaning diversity of approach, culture, lifestyle, opinion, creativity, working methods and knowledge. These concepts represent differences and give meaning to the word DIVERSITY.
A positive connotation which aligns with the word INCLUSION, meaning acceptance and help for colleagues or team members who have difficulties.
These aspects represent belonging to a community of professionals with a shared and clear vision.
We imagine and aspire to create a community that is open to the new and different.
This includes introducing the latest technology, accompanying a new colleague to the coffee machine or the first meeting.
The fundamental rules for us are fairness and respect, which must aim at inclusion and diversity. This is the starting point of our corporate culture. We aim to reduce distances and work for inclusion through:
virtual company events, intensified communication.